TitleStory Seedlings
Lead OrganizerTahiel Jimenez Medina
Funded ProjectProduction of two narrative short films by emerging BIPOC creatives
Amount Awarded$10,000
With support from established filmmakers, two emerging BIPOC creatives will each produce and present their first narrative short film. This project will provide guidance and resources for storytellers to imagine, write, direct, and distribute a film in hopes to amplify their voices, visibility, and long term creative practice. Tahiel Jimenez Medina, a Colombian immigrant director, will collaborate with the storytellers and provide access to professional equipment, mentorship sessions with other established filmmakers, connections to a community of experienced film crew, and a co-created roadmap to the completion and distribution of the films. Films will screen for local community to engage and rejoice with the storytellers.

Images courtesy of Tahiel Jimenez Medina