Name2021 VAF Grant Recipients
TitleVisual Arts Fund Project Presentations
DateJun 7, 2022
Time6:00 – 8:00 pm
LocationMidway Contemporary Art Library (201 Sixth St SE)
Join us in Midway’s library for a series of presentations by the 2021 Visual Arts Fund grant recipients. Each recipient will speak about their funded project and any upcoming events they have organized. Following the presentations, grantees and Midway’s staff will be available to answer questions.
2021 VAF Grant Recipients
— Generation Magazine
— Night Club
— Scorched Feet
— Shalay, Maanta iyo Berri: Dhigaal Abuur
— This City is a PoemMidway is happy to host this night of project presentations after a two-year hiatus due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Masks will be required regardless of vaccination status.
The Visual Arts Fund is a grant program established by Midway Contemporary Art with generous support from The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts through their Regional Regranting Program, which aims to promote vibrant artistic activity in thirty-two cities across the United States.
Details for the 2022 Visual Arts Fund grant cycle are available at www.midwayart.org/vaf-info/.
Please contact us with questions: vaf@midwayart.org