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  • Name
    Katelyn Farstad
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  • Date
    Nov 3 – Feb 2, 2013
  • Opening Reception

    Saturday, Nov 3, 7 – 9 pm

  • Press Text
MOUTHBREATHER, installation view.
MOUTHBREATHER, installation view.


Untitled, 2012. Acrylic, aluminum, plastic, pastel, enamel spray paint oil paint. Dimensions variable.
Untitled, 2012. Acrylic, aluminum, plastic, pastel, enamel spray paint oil paint. Dimensions variable.


MOUTHBREATHER, installation view.
MOUTHBREATHER, installation view.


Slap to Life, Slap to Reality v.2, 2012. Acrylic, foil, velcro, felt, pastel, rubber. 56 x 36 inches.
Slap to Life, Slap to Reality v.2, 2012. Acrylic, foil, velcro, felt, pastel, rubber. 56 x 36 inches.


MOUTHBREATHER, installation view.
MOUTHBREATHER, installation view.


MOUTHBREATHER, installation view.
MOUTHBREATHER, installation view.


Wake Up Those Sleeping Dogs, 2012. Mixed media. 66 x 26 x 36 inches.
Wake Up Those Sleeping Dogs, 2012. Mixed media. 66 x 26 x 36 inches.


Shoot the Trash, 2012. Acrylic, fabric, enamel spray paint, copper, plastic, pasta, wood, photographs. 50 x 32 x 7 inches (left) and 45 x 30 inches (right).
Shoot the Trash, 2012. Acrylic, fabric, enamel spray paint, copper, plastic, pasta, wood, photographs. 50 x 32 x 7 inches (left) and 45 x 30 inches (right).


MOUTHBREATHER, installation view.
MOUTHBREATHER, installation view.


Painting's Dad, 2012. Wicker, wood, fabric, acrylic, ink. 43 x 36 x 12 ½ inches.
Painting’s Dad, 2012. Wicker, wood, fabric, acrylic, ink. 43 x 36 x 12 ½ inches.


MOUTHBREATHER, installation view.
MOUTHBREATHER, installation view.


MOUTHBREATHER, installation view.
MOUTHBREATHER, installation view.


MOUTHBREATHER, installation view.
MOUTHBREATHER, installation view.


MOUTHBREATHER, installation view.
MOUTHBREATHER, installation view.


A Constantly Nagging Slight Breeze, 2012. Acrylic, fabric, rice, powdered pigment, wood, wicker. 48 x 40 x 5 ½ inches.
A Constantly Nagging Slight Breeze, 2012. Acrylic, fabric, rice, powdered pigment, wood, wicker. 48 x 40 x 5 ½ inches.


The Re-gift, 2012. Velvet, wood, metal, acrylic, ink. 14 x 16 inches.
The Re-gift, 2012. Velvet, wood, metal, acrylic, ink. 14 x 16 inches.


MOUTHBREATHER, installation view. Left: Untitled Black Lattice, 2012. Acrylic, ink, wood, coral. 23 x 20 inches. Right: Mouth's Self-Portrait, 2012. Acrylic, cat litter, color photographs, plastic, ink. 16 x 17 ½ x 6 inches.
MOUTHBREATHER, installation view. Left: Untitled Black Lattice, 2012. Acrylic, ink, wood, coral. 23 x 20 inches. Right: Mouth’s Self-Portrait, 2012. Acrylic, cat litter, color photographs, plastic, ink. 16 x 17 ½ x 6 inches.


MOUTHBREATHER, installation view. Left: Mouth's Self-Portrait, 2012. Acrylic, cat litter, color photographs, plastic, ink. 16 x 17 ½ x 6 inches. Right: Caught by the Ripe Fruit Cop, 2012. Enamel spray paint, sand, acrylic, ink, bristles, wood. 18 ½ x 6 x 4 ½ inches.
MOUTHBREATHER, installation view. Left: Mouth’s Self-Portrait, 2012. Acrylic, cat litter, color photographs, plastic, ink. 16 x 17 ½ x 6 inches. Right: Caught by the Ripe Fruit Cop, 2012. Enamel spray paint, sand, acrylic, ink, bristles, wood. 18 ½ x 6 x 4 ½ inches.


Caught by the Ripe Fruit Cop, 2012. Enamel spray paint, sand, acrylic, ink, bristles, wood. 18 ½ x 6 x 4 ½ inches.
Caught by the Ripe Fruit Cop, 2012. Enamel spray paint, sand, acrylic, ink, bristles, wood. 18 ½ x 6 x 4 ½ inches.


MOUTHBREATHER, installation view.
MOUTHBREATHER, installation view.